Swift Basic Data Types & Type Inference
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Swift is strongly typed, data should either be explicitly assigned or inferred, the main basic data types that come with swift are

Charactera 16-bit Unicode character like “a” or “/”
Stringrepresents textual data like “Hello”
Floatrepresents 32-bit floating-point number
Doublerepresents 64-bit floating-point number
Boollogical value: true or false
Tuplesgroups multiple values in single value
Intinteger, a whole number
UIntunsigned integer, a whole number
Int81 byte integer
Int324 bytes integer
Int648 bytes integer
UInt81 byte unsigned integer
UInt324 bytes unsigned integer
UInt648 bytes unsigned integer

On a 32-bit device, Int has the size of Int32, on 64-bit devices, Int has the size of Int64, same goes for UInt.

Swift has a feature where it can infer the type of the data directly, for example the variable level here is infered to be an Int

var level = 12

you can explicitly determine the type directly

var level: Int = 17

Extra Tip: A CGFloat holds either 32-bits of data or 64-bits of data depending on the CPU Architecture.

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