When working with Swift, one of the key decisions you’ll often face is how to represent data types. While specificity in defining data types is generally encouraged, Swift offers three flexible type options: Any, AnyObject, and AnyHashable.

A conceptual image representing Swift type systems.

Exploring Swift's Flexible Type System

Understanding when and how to use these types is crucial for developing robust and interoperable Swift applications.

Introduction to Any, AnyObject, and AnyHashable

Swift is a strongly typed language, meaning that every variable, constant, or expression must have a clearly defined type. However, there are situations where the exact type might not be known until runtime, or where flexibility in type is required. This is where Any, AnyObject, and AnyHashable come into play.


The Any type represents an instance of any type at all, including function types, class instances, structs, and enums. It’s the most general type in Swift, allowing you to work with values without needing to know their specific types in advance.

let mixedArray: [Any] = [1, "Hello", 3.14, [1, 2, 3]]

In this example, mixedArray can store any combination of types, from integers to strings and arrays. This can be particularly useful in scenarios where type flexibility is essential, but it should be used sparingly due to the loss of type safety.

Real-World Use Cases for Any in Swift

  1. Handling Mixed-Type Data Collections
    • Use Any to create an array that holds various data types, which is useful for data parsing from APIs.
  var things: [Any] = []
  things.append(0)                // Int
  things.append(3.14)             // Double
  things.append("Hello, World!")  // String
  things.append((3.0, 5.0))       // Tuple
  1. Dynamic Function Handling Store function types in a collection, allowing for dynamic function calls.
let functions: [Any] = [
    { (name: String) -> String in "Hello, $$name)" },
    { (x: Int) -> Int in x * 2 }

or this detailed Example

protocol AnyFunction {
    func call(with input: Any) -> Any

let functions: [AnyFunction] = [
    AnyFunctionWrapper { (name: String) -> String in "Hello, \(name)" },
    AnyFunctionWrapper { (x: Int) -> Int in x * 2 }

struct AnyFunctionWrapper: AnyFunction {
    private let _call: (Any) -> Any

    init<T, R>(_ function: @escaping (T) -> R) {
        _call = { input in
            if let typedInput = input as? T {
                return function(typedInput)
            return "Invalid input type"

    func call(with input: Any) -> Any {
        return _call(input)

let greetingResult = functions[0].call(with: "Alice")
print(greetingResult) // Output: Hello, Alice

let doublingResult = functions[1].call(with: 5)
print(doublingResult) // Output: 10

let invalidResult = functions[0].call(with: 42)
print(invalidResult) // Output: Invalid input type
  1. Interfacing with Objective-C APIs Use Any to handle untyped objects returned by Objective-C methods, facilitating seamless interaction.

  2. Generic Programming Accept or return any type in generic programming, simplifying function signatures when specific types are not essential.

  3. Temporary Data Structures Build temporary data structures for algorithms, allowing storage of various types without creating multiple collections.

Caution in Usage:

While Any offers flexibility, it can lead to loss of type safety and increased complexity. Use more specific types whenever possible to maintain clarity and safety in your codebase.


AnyObject is a protocol that all class types implicitly conform to. It’s used when you need to work specifically with instances of classes rather than value types like structs or enums. AnyObject is commonly used in scenarios where Swift interacts with Objective-C, especially because Objective-C types are generally class-based.

let objectArray: [AnyObject] = [NSString(string: "Hello"), NSNumber(value: 42)]

Here, objectArray holds instances that are guaranteed to be class types. This makes AnyObject a safer option when you’re dealing with class instances, especially in mixed-language projects involving both Swift and Objective-C.

Real-World Use Cases for AnyObject in Swift

AnyObject allows you to work with instances of any class type. Here are some real-world scenarios where it can be beneficial:

  1. Interacting with Objective-C APIs
    • Use AnyObject to handle untyped objects from Objective-C methods and properties, facilitating seamless interaction with these APIs.
  2. Parsing Mixed-Type JSON Data
    • Store parsed JSON data containing a mix of types (strings, numbers, booleans) in a flexible way using AnyObject.
  3. Creating Heterogeneous Collections
    • Create arrays or dictionaries that hold instances of different class types, allowing for storage of diverse objects together.
  4. Bridging Objective-C Classes to Swift
    • Use AnyObject for properties, method parameters, and return values when bridging Objective-C classes, enabling interaction without knowing specific types.
  5. Implementing Dynamic Behavior
    • Leverage AnyObject to call any Objective-C method, creating flexible and extensible APIs.


While AnyObject is useful, it’s important to prioritize type safety and performance by using more specific types whenever possible.


AnyHashable is a type in Swift that allows you to store values of different types that conform to the Hashable protocol in a single collection. This is particularly useful when you need a heterogeneous collection of hashable types, such as when using a dictionary or a set.

Key Features

  • Type Erasure: AnyHashable provides a way to erase the specific type of a hashable value while still maintaining its hashability.
  • Interoperability: It can be used in collections like Set or Dictionary where the key types might differ.

Example Usage

Here’s a simple example demonstrating how to use AnyHashable:

let intKey: AnyHashable = AnyHashable(42)
let stringKey: AnyHashable = AnyHashable("Hello")

let dictionary: [AnyHashable: String] = [
    intKey: "This is an integer key",
    stringKey: "This is a string key"

for (key, value) in dictionary {
    print("\(key): \(value)")

The Difference Between Any and AnyObject in Swift

Any and AnyObject are two special types in Swift used for type erasure, allowing you to work with values of unknown or mixed types. Here are the key differences:


  • Represents any type, including value types (structs, enums) and reference types (classes).
  • Can be used to store heterogeneous collections of values.
  • Example usage:
    let mixedArray: [Any] = [1, "Hello", true, 2.0]
    for item in mixedArray {
      switch item {
      case let x as Int:
          print("Int: \(x)")
      case let x as String:
          print("String: \(x)")
      case let x as Bool:
          print("Bool: \(x)")
      case let x as Double:
          print("Double: \(x)")
          print("Unknown type")


Represents any instance of a class, equivalent to id in Objective-C. Only allows reference types (classes) and is useful when you specifically want to work with class instances. Example usage:

class Car {}
class Song {}

let objectsArray: [AnyObject] = [Car(), Car(), Song()]
for item in objectsArray {
    if let car = item as? Car {
        print("Car: $$car)")
    } else if let song = item as? Song {
        print("Song: $$song)")
    } else {
        print("Unknown type")

When to Use Any vs. AnyObject

  • Use Any:
    • When your collection or variable needs to handle multiple types, including value types like Int, String, and Array.
    • When your data will be used exclusively in Swift code, allowing you to include both value and reference types.
  • Use AnyObject:
    • When dealing with APIs that expect class types, such as when interfacing with Objective-C code.
    • When you specifically need to work with reference types.
    • When your data will interact with Objective-C code or when you specifically need to constrain your data to class types.


As mentioned earlier, AnyHashable is a type-erased wrapper that can hold any value conforming to the Hashable protocol. It allows you to store heterogeneously-typed values in collections that require a hashable type, such as sets or dictionaries.

import Foundation

let anyHashableDict: [AnyHashable: Any] = [
    "key1": "value1",
    42: "value2",
    UUID(): "value3"


In this example, anyHashableDict can have keys of different types, as long as those types conform to the Hashable protocol. AnyHashable is particularly useful when dealing with untyped sets or dictionaries coming from Objective-C, as it provides the necessary flexibility while maintaining type safety within Swift.


Understanding when to use Any, AnyObject, and AnyHashable can greatly enhance your flexibility and interoperability in Swift development. While these types provide powerful tools for working with a wide range of data, it’s important to use them judiciously to maintain the clarity and safety of your code. By carefully choosing the appropriate type based on the needs of your application, you can ensure that your Swift code is both robust and adaptable.