Swift Data Structures and algorithms

– Algorithms & Data structures, Problem #001.
– Algorithms & Data structures, Problem #002.
– Algorithms & Data structures, Problem #003.
– Algorithms & Data structures, Problem #004.

– Intro to data structures and algorithms
– Array, Dictionary, Set,
– Stack / Queue
– Sorting Algorithms
– Tree Data Structure, Binary Tree, Binary Search Tree, Splay Trees
– Advanced Searching Algorithms: Red-Black Trees/ AVL Trees/ Radix Trees/ Substring search algorithms
– Graph Algorithms, Graph Theory, depth-first search, breadth-first search, spanning tree, shortest path and swiftGraph
– Performance and algorithm efficiency, Big O Notation, orders of common functions, runtime complexity
– Choosing the perfect Algorithm
– Dynamic Programming

– Heaps
– Splay Trees
– Inverted Indexes
– Fourier Transform
– Parallel algorithms
– MapReduce
– Bloom Filters
– SHA Algorithm
– Locality Sensitive Hashing
– Diffie-Hellman key exchange
– Linear Programming
– HyperLogLog
– A*

– Merkle tree